Governing Council
Nature and purposes
The Governing Council is the governing body of the University. It sets the strategies and programmes of the University, as well as guidelines and procedures for its application, in the fields of the organization of teaching, research, human and financial resources and the budgeting.
The Governing Council, chaired by the Rector or the replacing Vice-Rector will have the following composition:
- The Rector.
- The General Secretary.
- The Manager.
- Three members, elected by the Social Council, from amongst its members and who do not belong to the University Community.
- Twenty Cloister representatives elected by and from amongst the members of each of the eligible sectors, consisting of: ten official doctorate professors, one official non-doctorate professor, two individuals from the rest of the teaching and research staff, five students and two members of the Administration and Services staff.
- Nine members elected by and from amongst the Deans or Directors of the Faculties and Schools of the University of Cadiz.
- Six members elected by and from amongst the Directors of the Department or Institute of Research.
- Fifteen members appointed by the Rector.
The duration of the representation of the sectors of the University Community referred to in section d) and g) will be of four years, except for the case of the student representatives which will be replaced every two years.
The fifteen members appointed by the Rector shall stop being members of the Governing Council when the Rector ceases his functions as Rector.
The following functions correspond to the Governing Council:
- Approval of a few rules of a regulatory nature thereon by virtue of this Statute, as well as the relevant State or regional law.
- Report creation, modification and removal of Faculties and Schools and creation, removal, assignment and unassignment of university research institutes as well as assignment and unassignment of related Centres.
- Approve the creation, modification, or removal of Departments and Departmental Sections (as well as change their name) and of Centres or structures that organize distance-learning lessons, non-core centres forming part of the University, as well as the amendment of the University Institutes of Research.
- Propose the creation of companies, foundations, or other legal persons to the Social Council and agreed on the modification and participation of the University in other already created entities.
- Report the introduction of official degrees and approve the creation of degrees and diplomas, curricula and its amendments.
- Approve the allocation of teaching in Faculties, Schools, Departments, and University Research Institutes, and report the authorization of lessons at attached Centres.
- Approve the general programming of teaching in at the University.
- Approve the establishment of lessons conducive to obtaining diplomas and internal titles, as well as throughout-life-training lessons.
- Approve the validation, adaptation and studies approval criteria.
- Approve plans for research, development and innovation of the University.
- Adopt specific standards of access and enrolment of students, within the framework of the State and regional regulations.
- Approve the procedures for the admission of students and the criteria for the programming of the offered University teaching.
- Approve measures of instrumentation of the policy of scholarships, support and loans to students, modalities of partial or total exemption from payment of public prices as loans for academic services and the adoption of measures to promote the mobility of students in the European Area of Higher Education.
- Set regulations for the evaluation of students, as well as propose standards governing their progress and permanence in accordance with the characteristics of the respective studies, to the Social Council.
- Regulate the conditions for the recognition of associations engaged in activities at the University.
- Establish the regimen and the application of selection, promotion and performance of activities in the University by teachers, researchers and Administration and Services staff, and establish the procedures for the appointment of the members of the selection bodies and the general criteria of access and provision of vacant positions.
- Approve the recruitment of Emeritus Professors and the granting of thevenia docendi of professorship in attached centres.
- Adopt measures to promote the mobility of teachers in the European Area of Higher Education.
- Propose the appointment of honorary doctorates and the allocation of University medals, to the cloister.
- Propose, to the Social Council, the individual and singular allocation of additional benefits to faculty staff for teaching, research and management activities.
- Approve the Public Relations of Employment of the University staff, proposing the credits corresponding to the faculty to the university educational bodies and the hired faculty, to the research staff, the employment officers, the Administration and Services staff, as well as reducing, extending and changing the name of the respective positions.
- Create scales for the staff of Administration and Services and establish their remuneration regime as well as the regulation criteria for their improvement and professional development.
- Approve criteria so that Administration and Services staff can perform their functions in Universities of different origin, guaranteeing the right to mobility in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.
- Approve general systems of evaluation of the Centres of the University and its staff.
- Agree on the affectation to the public domain of University property and its opposition, as well as the acquisition and the procedure of disposal of economic goods.
- Approve the draft of budgets, liquidation and accountability, as well as the multi-annual programming of the University.
- Propose the adoption of public prices by University activities.
- Approve the rules and procedures for the development and implementation of the budget within the framework of those laid down by the autonomous community of Andalusia.
- Establish procedures for the approval of the work of article 83 of the LOU and those for the conclusion of contracts and the criteria for setting the destination of the goods and resources obtained with them, and the system for the recognition of research groups.
- Agree on the creation, modification, and removal of the remaining University Centres for those with no specific field allocated.
- Approve the special bases of series of agreements between the University of Cadiz and institutions and health facilities used for University teaching.
- Those other fields mentioned in the legislation in force and in the present rules and regulations of the University and deliberate in all issues submitted to it by the Rector.