The Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Policy of the University of Cadiz, Mª Jesús Mosquera, accompanied by the director of the UCA’s doctoral schools, EDUCA and EIDEMAR (International Doctoral School in Marine Studies), José María González Molinillo, presided over the reception day for new students at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. This year, around 120 students have enrolled for their doctoral studies.
Mª Jesús Mosquera welcomed them with words of encouragement to continue their research careers and reminded them that they can make use of the various grants available to them through the Plan Propio. For his part, José María González gave them an overview of the doctorate and summarised the rules of permanence and the development of the thesis, as well as informing them of the different mentions such as the international doctorate, the industrial doctorate and the doctorate with international co-directorship. He also gave them an introduction to the doctoral platform and the websites of the schools, where they can find all the procedures and information they need.