The University of Cádiz presents the 1st Mariano Marcos Bárcena Awards for Transfer and Innovation 4 April 2018
AirzoneSIM and Pharmaceutical composition of nanoparticles for the treatment of neuropathic pain have been distinguished ex aequo in the category of best patent or software and NANODIZING has won the prize for the best collaborative project.
The University of Cádiz has presented the distinctions of the first call of the Mariano Marcos Bárcena Award for Transfer and Innovation in an act that was held at the School of Engineering on the Campus of Puerto Real, which was chaired by the rector of UCA, Eduardo González Mazo. In addition to the awards ceremony, the program was completed with the inauguration of the exhibition Transfer and Innovation at the University of Cádiz-2018 with the panels of the different projects that were presented and with the lectures The figure of Mariano Marcos Bárcenas, from the UCA professor Jorge Salguero Gómez, Innovation, industry and university, from the president of the Social Council of UCA, Prudencio Escamilla, and Innovation in the naval sector, pronounced by Francisco Abad Praga, attached to the director of Shipyards 4.0 of Navantia.
This first edition of the Mariano Marcos Bárcena Award for the Transfer and Innovation of UCA has been characterised by the high level and quality of all the projects and initiatives presented in the two categories established in the bases of the call: collaborative projects with companies and patents. In total, more than 60 researchers from the University of Cádiz have taken part with their initiatives. Together with more than 30 companies, they clearly show the potential and diversity of innovative proposals with a high technological component that provide answers to specific problems and opt for applicability and usefulness in the development of research carried out together with companies from different industrial and business sectors in our environment.