The University of Cadiz tenders the construction of the university residence and the UCAabierta space in the building of the former ESI of Cadiz. 29 May 2023
The University of Cadiz has published in its Contracting Profile (hosted on the Public Sector Procurement Platform) the tender for the construction of the university residence and cultural center UCAbierta in the building of the former ESI in Cadiz. After the process of approval of the administrative specifications, following a report from the legal office, and technical specifications for the bidding of the concession of the work, the UCA takes an important step forward to realize a key project in the strategy of strengthening the Campus of Cadiz and respond to the housing needs of students in a city with special difficulties in access to housing.
The bidding procedure includes “the minimum technical criteria that must govern the actions within the framework of the works concession contract to be awarded, and which comprises three fundamental phases: the drafting of the works project, the construction of the residence hall and the subsequent operation of the university residence hall service, in accordance with the Feasibility Study and Preliminary Project approved for this purpose by the University of Cadiz”. Thus, a term of three and five months is specified for the delivery of the basic and execution projects, respectively. After a month of supervision of the documentation, the concessionary company will have 24 months to carry out the work, which has an estimated investment cost of almost 5.9 million euros plus VAT. At the end of this period, “a maximum operating concession of 30 years from the formalization” of the contract is established. The project includes the comprehensive remodeling of a building owned by the UCA on a plot of 3,150 m2 and with a total built area of more than 8,800 m2, distributed in basement, first floor (which will be used for common services) and three more floors of elevation.