UCA celebrates the Solemn Opening of the Academic Year 2017/2018 in the Bay of Algeciras Campus 2 October 2017
The UCA professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics, Dr. Ramon Vargas-Machuca, gave the Inaugural Lesson ‘The Perplexed Democrat’
Photographies on https://flic.kr/s/aHsm3Nu4sL
The University of Cadiz has held today the Solemn Session of the Opening of the 2017/2018 Course in the Hall of the Higher Polytechnic School of Algeciras. The rector of UCA, Eduardo González Mazo, in the company of the University Council and the Secretary General of Universities, Research and Technology of the Andalusian Government, Manuel Torralbo, presided over the ceremony. The event was attended by representatives of the university community, civil and military authorities, as well as social and economic agents of the province of Cadiz.
The Secretary General of UCA, Francisca Fuentes, presented the most significant data of the Social Responsibility report of the academic year 2016/17 and the 53 Extraordinary Prizes of doctorate, master’s, bachelor’s and degrees were awarded. Subsequently, the UCA professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics, Dr. Ramon Vargas-Machuca, gave the Inaugural Lesson The Perplexed Democrat.
The 2017/18 academic year begins in Cadiz with a wide and diverse academic offer of 44 degrees, 19 double degrees, 50 official masters and 17 doctoral programs. A list of titles that “enlarges” with the incorporation of masters in Biotechnology Resources, Computer Security (Cybersecurity) and Historical Analysis of the Current World.
Prof, Ramón Vargas-Machuca Speech