UCA inaugurates the bridge that connects the Higher School of Engineering with Las Aletas station 20 December 2018
UCA has invested a budget of 1,051,759 euros. Sustainable, pedestrian and with a bike lane, it has a length of 246 meters, plus the 450 meters of path through the Natural Park
The University of Cádiz has celebrated the official inauguration of the bridge that connects the Higher School of Engineering in the Campus of Puerto Real with the Las Aletas railway station. The rector of UCA, Eduardo González Mazo, accompanied by the director of the Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park, Antonio Gómez, the provincial deputy of the Information Society, Elena Amaya, the head of the Metropolitan Parks Team, Manuel Campuzano, and the president of Grucal, Jesús León, presided over the act with the uncovering of a commemorative monolith. The director of ESI, Juan José Domínguez, and the vice-chancellors of Students and Infrastructures and Heritage, Concha Valero and José María Mariscal, respectively, the president of the Student Council of UCA, Miguel Ángel Pérez, and the student delegate from the School, Abrahán Fandiño, as well as teachers, students and members of the university community also attended..
The work for the construction of the pedestrian walkway linking the ESI with Las Aletas station has had a budget of 1,051,759 euros. Designed by Técnicas Gades and executed by Grucal Infraestructuras SL-Hierros Fuente Palmer SL, the new infrastructure has a length of 246 meters, to which must be added the more than 450 meters of path that extend through the interior of the Park, with a length close to 800 meters. This path has some bright beacons and a new door was enabled on the north side of the School building to facilitate entry.
In his speech, the rector of UCA has stressed that it is a dual bridge, of double use. “It’s pedestrian and for cyclists. That is, an example of commitment to sustainable transport. González Mazo thanked all the people involved in this project. Its implementation has required “up to seven permits from different agencies: Ministry of Development / Demarcation of Roads, City of Puerto Real, Natural Park of the Bay of Cádiz, Las Aletas Consortium; Bahía de Cádiz Consortium, ADIF-Management of Stations and Los Toruños Natural Park “. In particular, he showed his gratitude to the School and its students for having always maintained a “loyal, sincere and constructive attitude towards the institution”.
The University of Cádiz has taken into account up to five priority indicators in its design and construction: safety, “the main requirement, which includes our university campuses and their accesses”, the Economic, Aesthetic, Environmental and Accessibility aspect; In addition, compliance with the regulations of the affected organizations. Now – he said – we can sleep peacefully, knowing that they have adequate access to the university campus.
The construction of the bridge has been especially complex due to the need to overcome the junction of the CA-32 motorway and adjacent roads and, at the same time, to make a pedestrian and bicycle path through the area of the Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park. that manages the Marisma de los Toruños and Pinar de la Algaida Metropolitan Park